Using Containers on HPC Resources

Running Your Applications with Ease

Charles Peterson

Learning Objectives 🎯


In this workshop, we will go over using containers on HPC resources, like UCLA’s Hoffman2

  • Understand the basics of containers 📚
  • Learn how containers can be used in HPC environments 💻
  • Explore the benefits of containerization 🚀
  • Get familiar with Apptainer and its workflow 🛠️
  • Discover best practices for using containers

Files for this Presentation 📁

This presentation can be found on our GitHub page

  • Viewing the slides
  • To download the presentation and example files, run the following command (this will download the files from GitHub):
git clone

Containers: The Basics

Containers: The Basics 📦

What Are Containers?

  • Consistency across platforms ✔️
    • Software runs the same way, regardless of where the container is executed.
  • Isolation from host system 🔒
    • Containers do not interfere with other containers or with the host, ensuring a secure execution environment.
  • Lightweight and portable ✈️
    • Containers can be easily transferred between systems, cloud providers, or local development environments.

Containerizing Applications 🛠️

Containers allow you to:

  • Package applications along with all their dependencies, configurations, libraries, and binaries. This comprehensive packaging ensures that the application runs consistently everywhere.
  • Easily deploy and run them across different systems, facilitating scalability and flexibility.

Transferring Containers 🚚

Containers allow for:

  • Easy transfer between different HPC resources.
  • Ensuring a consistent environment for your software.

Understanding Virtualization 🖥️

Containers offer a lightweight, portable, and consistent environment across platforms. To fully grasp the concept of containers, it’s essential to understand virtualization.

Virtualization allows multiple operating systems to run simultaneously on a single physical machine. Each operating system operates as if it’s the only one running on the hardware. While containers share the same OS kernel, virtual machines have their own OS and resources.

Matrix GIF

Types of Virtualization 📐

  1. Hardware Virtualization
    • Creates virtual machines with independent OS and resources on a single physical host.
    • Ideal for running different operating systems or when complete OS isolation is required.
    • Example: VirtualBox, VMware, AWS EC2
  2. Operating System Virtualization (Containers)
    • Allows multiple isolated user-space instances on the same OS kernel.
    • Efficient and lightweight, suitable for microservices and scalable applications.
    • Example: Docker, Apptainer, Kubernetes
  3. Application Virtualization
    • Packages applications and their dependencies for execution on any compatible system.
    • Perfect for deploying apps without worrying about system compatibility or installing dependencies.
    • Example: App-V, ThinApp, Turbo

Bare Metal Setup: No Virtualization 💻

  • ‘Bare metal’ refers to physical servers running directly on hardware without virtualization. 🔧
  • Software and applications are installed directly on the host operating system. 💿
  • Resources such as CPU, memory, and storage are dedicated and not shared with other virtual machines. 📊
  • Advantages: High performance, direct access to hardware, low overhead. 👍
  • Limitations: Less flexibility, limited isolation between applications, potential underutilization of resources. 👎
  • Software runs directly on OS from the physical hardware

  • Typical applications are in this fashion

    • Most module load software

Virtual Machines: Hardware-Level 🖥️

  • Virtual machines (VMs) emulate physical computers and run multiple operating systems on a single host.
  • Each VM has its own virtual hardware, including CPU, memory, and storage. 💾
  • VMs are managed by a hypervisor (e.g., VirtualBox, VMware) that abstracts the physical hardware. 🎛️
  • VMs provide strong isolation between environments and are ideal for development, testing, and legacy applications. 🛡️
  • Limitations: Additional overhead due to full OS in each VM, performance may be affected by virtualization layer.

  • Applications running inside of a VM are running on a completely different set of (virtual) resources

  • A “Machine” within a “Machine”

OS Virtualization: Containers 🐳

  • OS virtualization with containers allows multiple, isolated user-space instances to run on a single host OS.
  • Containers share the host OS kernel but have their own file system, libraries, and dependencies.
  • Containers are lightweight, start quickly, and have lower overhead compared to VMs.
  • Containerization provides a consistent and reproducible environment across platforms.
  • Containers are ideal for microservices, cloud-native applications, and scalable deployments.

  • Applications running inside of a container are running with the SAME kernal and physical resources as the host OS

  • A “OS” within a “OS”

Why use Containers

  • Bring your own OS 🌎
  • Portability ✈️
  • Reproducibility 🔁
  • Design your own environment 🎨
  • Version control 📑

Challenges with Software Installation 🛠️

  • Researchers face difficulties in managing software installations:
    • Spend time setting up software on Hoffman2
    • Figuring out which versions and modules to load for dependencies
    • Having to wait for System Admins to help
  • Then start all over when using software on a different HPC resource

HPC resources (like Hoffman2) are SHARED resources 👥

  • Researchers are running software on the same computing resource
  • No ‘sudo’ and limited yum/apt-get commands available 🚫

Container Advantages

  • Install your application once:
    • Use on any HPC resource 🌐
  • A ‘virtual’ OS:
    • Users can have complete OS admin control 🔏

  • Great for easily installing software with apt/yum 📦

  • Great if your software requires MANY dependencies that would be complex installing on Hoffman2. ⛓️

Containerization vs. Traditional Deployment ⚖️

  • Traditional Deployment:
    • Software dependencies must be installed on the host system. 📁
    • Conflicts can occur between different software versions. ⚠️
    • Challenging to achieve consistent environments across platforms. 📉
  • Containerization:
    • Dependencies are packaged within the container. 🎁
    • No conflicts with the host system or other containers. ☮️
    • Consistent and reproducible environments on any platform. 📈

Software for Containers 🔧

Podman 📦

  • Similar syntax as with Docker
  • Doesn’t have root daemon processes
  • On some HPC resources (not on Hoffman2, yet) 🔜

Docker 🐳

  • One of the most popular containerization software
  • Many popular cloud container registries to store Docker containers:
    • DockerHub, GitHub Packages, Nvidia NGC
  • MPI over multiple servers not well supported 🚫
  • Most likely NOT available on many HPC systems (not on Hoffman2)


Apptainer 🚀

  • Formerly Singularity
  • Designed and developed for HPC systems 🖥️
  • Most likely installed on HPC systems (installed on Hoffman2)
  • Supports Infiniband, GPUs, MPI, and other devices on the Host
  • Can run Docker containers 🐋

Security considerations 🛡️

  • Built with shared user system environments in mind
  • NO daemon run by root 🚫
  • NO privilege escalation. Cannot gain control over host/Hoffman2 🔒
  • All permission restrictions outside of a container apply to the inside 🔐

Common Usage on Hoffman2 💡

To use Apptainer on Hoffman2, simply load the module:

module load apptainer
  • Only module you need to load!
    • Except for a MPI module if running parallel

Common Apptainer Commands:

  1. Getting a container from somewhere
apptainer pull [options]
apptainer pull docker://ubuntu:20.04
  1. Build a container
apptainer build [options]
apptainer build myapp.sif myapp.def

Common Usage Continued 🔧

Common Apptainer commands:

  1. Run a command within a container
apptainer exec [options] container.sif
apptainer exec mypython.sif python3
# Runs the command `python3` inside the container
  1. Start an interactive session inside your container
apptainer shell [options] container.sif
apptainer shell mypython.sif


Apptainer will NOT run on Hoffman2 login nodes.

Apptainer Workflow for running on H2 🔄

  1. Create 🛠️

  2. Transfer ↪️

  3. Run ▶️

Apptainer Workflow (Create) 🛠️

1. Create 🛠️

  1. Transfer

  2. Run

  • Build a container
    • From Apptainer or Docker on your computer
    • Where you have root/sudo access
    • Typically, Apptainer containers end in .sif
  • Use a pre-built container:

Apptainer Workflow (Transfer) ↪️

  1. Create

2. Transfer ↪️

  1. Run

Bring your container to Hoffman2:

  • Copy your container to Hoffman2
scp test.sif
  • Pull a container from Container Register
apptainer pull docker://ubuntu:20.04
  • Use a container pre-built on Hoffman2
module load apptainer

Apptainer workflow (Run) ▶️



Run ▶️

Run Apptainer on your container:

  • Can run in an interactive (qrsh) session
qrsh -l h_data=20G
module load apptainer
apptainer exec mypython.sif python3
  • Or run as a Batch (qsub) job

  • Create job script myjob.job

#$ -l h_data=20G
module load apptainer
apptainer exec mypython.sif python3
  • Submit your job
qsub myjob.job


  • Apptainer containers run like any other application.
  • Run the same commands as you normally would
    • Just add an Apptainer command to any command you want to run inside the container



Turns into

apptainer exec myPython.sif python3
apptainer exec myR.sif R CMD BATCH test.R


  • Example 1: Simple containers with TensorFlow
  • Example 2: GPU containers with PyTorch
  • Example 3: Parallel MPI containers

You can find the workshop material here:

git clone

Example 1: TensorFlow (1) 🧠

  • This example will use Tensorflow

    • Great library for developing Machine Learning models
  • We will use the MNIST dataset
    • Data of over 60,000 training images of handwritten digts

We will use TensorFlow to train a model from this dataset

Example 1: TensorFlow (2)

  • Go to EX1 directory
  • Look at
    • This example uses TF to train from the MINIST data

Normally, to run this job, we will run

module load python

IT DOESN’T WORK!!! Need tensorflow installed!!!

  • You can install it your yourself (via pip/conda maybe?)
    • Maybe errors with building
    • Have to build again using another computer

Example 1: TensorFlow (3)


  • Start an interactive session
qrsh -l h_data=20G
  • Load the apptainer module
module load apptainer
  • Pull the TF container from DockerHub
apptainer pull docker://tensorflow/tensorflow:2.7.1
  • We see a file named, tensorflow_2.7.1.sif
    • This SIF file is the container
    • This container is a OS with python and TF installed inside
  • Start an interactive shell INSIDE the container
apptainer shell tensorflow_2.7.1.sif
  • Now we are in the container, we can run python with TF!


  • See that we didn’t need to load any python module!
  • We didn’t need to install any TF packages ourselves!!
  • Everything is inside the container!

Example 1: TensorFlow (4)


  • Going interactively inside the container (Previous slide)
    • apptainer shell [container.sif]
  • Run a single command in the container
    • apptainer exec [container.sif] [command]
qrsh -l h_data=20G
module load apptainer
apptainer pull docker://tensorflow/tensorflow:2.7.1
apptainer exec tensorflow_2.7.1.sif python3

Alternatively, you can submit this as a batch job

  • Example job script: tf-example.job
qsub tf-example.job

Example 2: GPUs with PyTorch (1) 🎆

  • This example uses PyTorch with GPU support for faster speed 🚀
    • Another great Machine Learning framework
  • Go to the EX2 directory
    • Examine the file
    • Optimize a 3rd order polynomial to a sine function
  • To run this example, we’ll need to find a container with GPU support!

Example 2: GPU job (2)

Let’s run python3 on a GPU node

  • Start an interactive session with a GPU compute node
qrsh -l h_data=20G,gpu,V100
  • Download the PyTorch container from Nvidia NGC
module load apptainer
apptainer pull docker://
  • Run apptainer with the --nv option.
    • This enables the container to use the host’s GPU drivers
apptainer shell --nv pytorch_22.03-py3.sif
python3 -c "import torch; print(f'GPU is available: {torch.cuda.get_device_name(0)}' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'GPU is NOT available')"
  • Run python3 as a single command
apptainer exec --nv pytorch_22.03-py3.sif python3

Alternatively, you can submit this as a batch job using a job script

qsub pytorch_gpu.job

Example 3: Parallel MPI containers 🌐

In this example, we’ll run a parallel MPI container using NWChem, a popular computational chemistry application.

Many applications use MPI to run across multiple CPUs, and NWChem is one of them.

  • On Hoffman2, a NWChem container with MPI has already been built
    • $H2_CONTAINER_LOC/h2-nwchem_7.0.2.sif

Typically, we will run NWChem like this:

module load intel/2022.1.1
module load nwchem/7.0.2
`which mpirun` -np 5 nwchem water.nw > water.out

To run inside the container:

  • Load the intel module
    • Sets up (INTEL)MPI on the host (outside the container)
  • Add mpirun in front of apptainer exec
qrsh -l h_data=10,arch=intel-gold* -pe shared 5
module load intel/2022.1.1
`which mpirun` -np 5 apptainer exec $H2_CONTAINER_LOC/h2-nwchem_7.0.2.sif nwchem water.nw  > water.out

A example batch job is located in EX3/nwchem.job

qsub nwchem.job

Considerations and Best Practices

  • 📦 Size of container
    • Keep it small and minimal
    • Include only necessary components for your applications
    • Large containers need more memory and take longer to start up
  • 👥 Share .sif files with your friends!
    • 🔧 Experiment creating your containers
    • Save your (Docker) containers to DockerHub or GitHub Packages
    • Find examples of Dockerfiles and Apptainer def files on our GitHub

Thank you!

Questions? Comments? 🤔

Charles Peterson